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Coronation Street Last Night (Spoiler Alert)

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newmodarmy | 06:58 Tue 07th Jan 2025 | Film, Media & TV
10 Answers

Did anyone else find it odd? All that fast forwarding or was it rewinding doesn't feel right on Corrie. And it kept jumping about?



One second Mason was talking to Sally in her kitchen then he was outside with someone else. Then one minute he was by Abi's taxi and next second he was in the playground with her.  And when in Roy's Rolls he only had a bleeding head  sign of a bleeding knife wound in his stomach.



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They did the same camera  trickery several times during the Joel storyline.

Totally wrong for Corrie. I don't know what they are playing at recently. The 'don't carry knives' messages were shouts in the dark - kids don't watch Corrie

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Agree totally. I didn't like a recent dream sequence either...when Gail's ex came back ( from the dead?).   And recently there was a scene played in reverse with everyone walking backwards at speed. They are trying too hard. They've started playing songs as well while showing silent actors crying or looking sad or casting meaningful looks at others.

For years they've sneakily been playing songs in the Rovers to reflect what's happening. I listen out for it now.  I first noticed it when 'Don't go breaking my heart' was playing during a break up

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Oh yes,  playing apt songs on the juke box in the background has been done for years and has been funny. But now a haunting tune just comes from nowhere...whether people are in the street, a hospital, a church or anywhere and its in the foreground while the actors are silent.

Agreed, it's supposed to be atmospheric but leaves me cold. 

I'm trying to remember if music played when Vera found Jack dead in his chair

Maybe not really relevant but there was a post over the weekend about the line "call that a knife - this is a knife" being omitted from Crocodile Dundee.  My one thought, after watching Coronation Street, was how can they show that stabbing with all it's glorious details and aftermath when the former is unacceptable? The mind boggles!!

I thought it odd too. But annoying, but it was only the last part that it didn't flashback & forth.

Sad ending though, didn't expect that.

Corrie wasn't glorifying or glamourising knives, though. I don't know why the knife scene was cut of Crocodile Dundee.  Did they cut the crotch grabbing scene too?  Maybe it was the time of broadcast or to make room for adverts.

It seemed to play out two senarios, showing if Dylan did not have the knife the brothers would have just beat Mason and that would maybe end in him getting in Tim/Abi's taxi but it ended with the sad seranio with what really happened, some say Mason was hallucinating, it was a bit weird but a sad ending all the same.

It would have been ideal for a series aimed at teenagers but I suspect not many youngsters watch it these days. It came across as one of those Charlie Says public information films from the 60s/70s to me.

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