Hi Hannah... a similar thing happened to me some years ago, and I turned into such a needy, clingy pain in the *** that our friendship turned sour... I ended up being moody when she was around, rather than enjoying the amount of time we did have together, and she didn't want to put up with me anymore and moved out. At the time I wailed that she was selfish, inconsiderate, etc, but now in hindsight I realise she was right, and now I realise I wouldn't want anyone to put pressure on me like that. You need to trust your friend and your friendship and realise you've not been rejected, it's just the situation - and maybe even though she enjoys her job, it could be quite a tough situation for her to be away from home so much. Try and focus on things you can do to use the time you have alone - one day you won't have this kind of peace and space (boyfriend, kids, any number of situations) - are you into reading, drawing, making cards, cooking, baking cakes, knitting, watching films, writing letters, dancing, yoga, cycling etc... something that's nice for you to do, and makes you feel good?