I experienced a similar problem... my last gf loved the drink 'too much'... she'd come in from nights out and one of two things would usually happen: she'd either be really aggressive, confrontational and moody, looking for an arguement with whoever was there... me..., ranting and raving and occasionally smashing stuff up in the house too... or she'd come in... disappear... after a while, I'd go to check she was ok - and 9 times out of 10 she'd passed out - so I'd have to sort her out/clean up the puke/get her into bed etc... she was perpetually losing her glasses, contact lenses, phone, purse etc through these 'binges' that became more and more frequent... until it was happening once or twice a week... I put up with it longer than I should have... I guess you do when you love someone... but after a while enough was enough... it was effecting all other aspects of both our lives - socially and privately - for the worse... she would miss groups of days off work and forget promises/appointments she'd made previously to family and friends... her saving grace was that when she wasn't p*ssed, she really was lovely... but towards the end there were many more 'nasty' situations than 'good' ones...she could have tried do something about it herself or 'ask' for help - all her family and friends offered support - but ultimately she chose drink. At that point I decided that if she wasn't going to even try to sort this out, why the hell should I be the 'cleaner-upper' - possibly for a long time/the rest of my life(!)... I also have a life to lead which was not happening being with her. We split...