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treenybean | 12:27 Fri 23rd Jul 2004 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
I have one top and one bottom tooth that are slightly longer than the rest, my dentist told me that if you have your teeth filed down , they will just grow back to the same length again. I don't see how this can be true, anyone out there who can enlighten me!


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Human teeth dont grow back to length like a horse. I find it hard to believe that a Dentist would tell you this. If you had said that a friend had told you, thats different.
yeah, I think your dentist must have been a vet in a former life, and was mixing you up with a rabbit! Robber1 is totally right, human teeth don't grow back.
I totally agree with robber & jills, can't believe what you were told! I had a lower incisor filed down when I had a bridge on the upper teeth on the same side. That was over 10 yrs ago - it certainly hasn't grown back,& it hasn't made it sensitive either.
noddy, are you me? I had exactly the same thing done. But no you can't be me, I had it done about 20 years ago.
I've had it done a few years ago and my tooth never grew back, it doesn't hurt and am I the biggest scaredy cat when it comes to anything at all to do with teeth!
woofgang my brain has certainly been somewhere else recently - have you got it? Despite the name I'm female & fifty - does that sound like you? Sorry to highjack your Q treenybean!
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