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Chavs - this is a genuine question.....

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flip-flop | 12:16 Mon 23rd Oct 2006 | Society & Culture
8 Answers
.....and not just a case of chav bashing. Is there an anthropological reason as to why so often chav women are fat and chav men are skinny and weedy?


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Nope, it's a national problem regardless of cultural background. It is estimated that by 2010 a total of 22% of girls, and 19% of boys will be obese - almost 10% up on present figures.
Maybe due to the women being permanently pregnant, consuming large amount of junk food whilst watching Jeremy Kyle and Trisha (well their mates might be on it!) and the men needing to be whippet thin to be able to outrun the police???

Ok ok ok....I'm idea I'm afraid!
Well answered BOO............... You read my mind!!!!!!
-- answer removed --
the men have to remain skinny so that they can run away from the police. They would be as fat as the women if their employment allowed it.
The women don't take speed or cannabis with their lager.
I have experienced this at close hand when i taught in an inner city school. Now i'm no scientist but it seems that the kids were eating the same food (almost always rubbish). The girls were generally over weight and the boys skinny. I would guess that the male and female metabolism reacts to pot noodles and crisps in different ways and having an unhealthy diet makes women fat and men skinny.
That is a generalisation but on the whole flip flop is right. There were exceptions with really fat boys and really skinny girls but yet again that can be put down to bad nutrition and other factors (smoking and drinking during pregnancy, girls being on the pill, lack of exercise, poor housing etc etc)
Re those we think of as 'chavs' - my question would be more about their temperament - I don't think I've ever seen a happy chav, they're always scowling, and when speaking they can't do it without shouting, arguing, flinging accusations and just generally being at odds about everything. Why? Also, why do the femmale ones always seem to walk around so quickly, and usually with their arms tightly folded in front of them? I've tried copying this. Apart from probably making me look really silly, it's very uncomfortable!

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