My boyfriend is a little worried at what this could be, where as im thinking it nothing to worry about... anyway, recently i've been getting quite a bit of this white sticky 'mess' (coulnt think of another word to use!), in my underwear.. however, whenever me and my partner have sex, bits of it get stuck on his 'bits'. can anyone advise m on what this could be and if its normal..
its perfectly normal to have a discharge at certain times of the month, this can be clear or white.
As long as it doesnt smell bad then im sure its normal. If it smells then it can usually be a sign of thrush or similar and thats easily treatable.
mini pill works by creating a mucus plug around the cervix thus preventing sperm getting through, it could be this.
the extra hormones you body is getting could esily effect you in such a way. As i said, if it smells or you experience and discomfort then speak to a doctor.
If not then its probably just a normal increase in discharge, often found at certain times of month.
I can vouch for ray ~ a heart of gold with a wicked glint in his eye is how I would describe him ;o)
Right, as for your 'problem' ~ can I ask how old you are? I don't wish to give TMI to all you sensitive folk out there, but I have more 'sticky stuff' than I ever used to and I put it down to *ahem* let's just say to being a 'very enthusiastic' partner to Mr P :o)
During ovulation it is worse ~ those darned pesky eggs release and make you more lubricated in order for the sperm to swim up to them. I am not allowed near Mr Pippa during those days and it is sheer hell....;o)