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Waste ground

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trulli | 10:53 Wed 25th Oct 2006 | Business & Finance
4 Answers
Hi I belong to a group who wished to build on some waste ground. How do we go about getting permission to do this. I presume we need to get ownership of the land from the council first. I would be grateful for any advice.


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You first need to establish who owns the land - your council may be able to help but the land registry are the official repository of this information.

You then need to buy/lease the land and if the latter get permission of the owner to build.

You'll then need to apply to the council for planning permission.
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You can apply for planning permission without owning the land, but need to let the owner know you are doing so. Presumably you would not want to buy the land unless you knew you would be able to build so this approach could be beneficial. However, if you get planning permission the owner's price to sell the land would almost certainly go up.

As an alternative you could talk to the council planners and get some idea whether you would be likely to get planning permission, but they would not be able to give you any kind of guarantee.
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Thanks you.

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