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Quiz Book

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flashpig | 02:41 Sun 25th Jul 2004 | Quizzes & Puzzles
2 Answers
My dad remembers buying a quiz book a while back and one of the questions was 'Which 2 countries are predominantly/entirely governed by negroes?'. It was a while back now, but does anyone know which countries these were, and when the book must have been published? How many black governments are there now?


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My guess would be (a) Liberia - which was founded as a new country by freed former American slaves in 1821 (it was recognised as independent in 1847) and (b) Haiti - which became independent after a revolt against the French colonial authorities in 1804.

How many now? About 50 ish - 40 ish in Africa and a few in the Carribean.
P.S. The first independent country in Africa with a black government apart from Liberia was (I think) Ghana in 1957, so the book must have been before then. (Ethiopia has always been independent, but might not have been regarded as "negro" by the book)

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