Clue 7
On the Sabbath = start with the letter S
Many = C (hundred)
SC+6 letter word for 'lowets class of people' = 8 letter word for the a game whereby you have to make up words on a Board (from the counters with letters of the alphabet thereon - you have 7 such counters in your hand / on your rack at any one time)
The word for this game also means to scratch around!
Clue 12
Beethoven's original trio = BEE+ anagram of Let = the first 6 letter word for the answer
5 letter word is an anagram of Verdi
Clue 77
anagram of Moon Dies = this game where you have a block (wood or plastic) the face of which is divided into halves,each face being blank or marked with dots for a number (like on a dice)
The word for this game is also -
A costume consisting of a hooded robe worn with an eye mask at a masquerade.
The mask so worn.
One wearing this costume.