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Transporting goldfish

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netibiza | 10:43 Sat 28th Oct 2006 | Animals & Nature
6 Answers
What is the safest way to transport 2 goldfish on a bumpy road for �hr. Obviously the tank will slop everywhere, I remember in my childhood that they were kept in plastic bags at the fair, would this be Ok and will they be able to breathe.


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Hi, you will need large strong plastic bags, fill with about 4 to 5 inches of water, normally if you were buying fish from a shop and transporting them home the shop would then fill the bag with compresed air from a pump creating an inflated space above the water, then tie them of.....not sure how you could replicate that bit at home! Maybe holding the top of the bag tightly shut and using a foot pump or something? Put those bags into carrier bags then into a box that holds the bags upright.....should be OK for an hour or so.

Good luck

Lisa x
When we moved I put ours in a strong bin liner within a bucket. I filled the 'bucket' to within about 2inches of the top and then tied a knot in the bin liner leaving some air. The drive was about half an hour and then about another hour till I put them in their tank.
They lived another six years.
Question Author
Thank you both,- wish me luck!!
Or if you have a cooler box- use that? Put them in bags as mentioned before then put the bags, well padded in the box, it would hopefully cut down on the jostling.

Good luck!
Try the local fish store for a transport box + bags.
Question Author
CT that is a good idea, will do tomorrow.

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Transporting goldfish

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