My brother (genuinely not me) is investing in Holiday Property Services. Does anyone have information on this company? Sounds like a new form of timeshare company, and I'd like some honest info on them.
If it is Holiday Property <Bond> then it is a well established company very much at the respectable and honest end of timeshare. If only they were all like that there would be none of the scandals you read about.
Thanks for your answers. I'm sure it's not HPB, I looked at that some time ago. Brother said originally (all done over the phone) that it was something to do with Petchey Organisation and the holidays were organised by a company called Infiniti. Looked these up and Pechey appers on a website called Crimeshare. Trouble is my brother is a dopey burger and when he gets a letter saying "You have won a competition (that you never entered)" he believes them.
His wife has just had a letter from USA saying she is in the semifinal of a poetry competition (she had sent off a poem)and the poem will be printed in a book. To have her details printed in the book she must pay x amount.
They fall for all the scams.
Jack Petchey's organisation is a well-established scamming operation - it is definitely timeshare - I'm 100% sure.
Crimeshare is also a very good but anonymous exposer of these scammers. I guess you found it? - here:
willowman - honestly if he really is considering investing in holidays, he could not do better than HPB. The initial investment does not purchase any property but is a bond on which if you leave you may or may not make a profit. The main thing is it is the basis of a point system, and this allows you and your family to use properties in uk and Europe,also some further afield like Madeira etc.
I think buildersmate has hit it on the head with the scam.
Cheers Hard@it