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famous thoroughfares

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j r ness | 20:23 Sun 05th Nov 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
whiskey or biscuits on this one? 7, 6
another royal one in edinburgh? 6, 4
public school here? 6, 4

measure for monarchs in edinburgh? 5, 4


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Edinburgh = Princes Street
Could the last one be Scots Rule?
Royal Mile for the other Edinburgh one
whiskey or biscuits = Bourbon. Is there a Bourbon street anywhere?

j r ness, I think you have asked for, and been given answers to 24 clues. It would be nice is you showed some gratitude - or, at least, acknowledgment - to all the people who have helped you.
Hear, hear, Kettledrum. I was beginning to wonder if j r ness had even looked at the previous answers as there is no acknowledgment at all.
Yes gen2, Bourbon street in New Orleans. zles/Crosswords/Question316906.html
looks like he/she got round to saying thanks for one at least!
allotment your link is for sombody called elsee is j r ness the same person? If not j r ness is just ignorant as they have never thanked or reported that they have even seen the answers given
oops sorry jan, ! not looking properly at the names, (old age i think!) my apologies to elsee.

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famous thoroughfares

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