Question Author
Zorro -delusional, had his chips, roarin?
Wonderwoman- wow, sweet but a climber, see above?
Jenna- cute and squishy, dainty, with a wild streak?
Roughquest-more than meets the eye, no side, wild
Raysparx- out of his tree, a hot potato,camoflaged
Scienceyeah- bitterbutfruity, homely, comfy but with claws
Inapickle-sweet and juicy,a climber,also likes comfort
Chinadoll-Rosy with many layers to personality,laidback
Boo-Inclined to be bitter, chip off theold block,needs gym
Jump-cute and squishy, dark,cuddley
Tradey-abit heavy bottomed,good eyesight, very friendly
Hellion, Healthfreak,farsighted,cunning
Bobtheturkey-lazy(see previous answer!)
To all those undoubtedly offended, SORRY, only joking