Here's your chocolate liscence (sort of)Chocolate contains pheylephylamine
- the same hormone the brain triggers when you fall in love.
Amongst other mildly psychoachtive components, choc. also contains tryptophan [is a chemical
that the brain uses to make a neurotransmitter called serotonin]
On the not-so-good side: Chocolate is processed with alkalis
And on the really-rotten-news side: Chocolate is made with sugar. Which is addictive [after initial rush, insulin surges in {if it didn't, you'd die}, and does it's work of lowering the blood-sugar back to safe levels. The thing is, after the insulin has done this, your blood sugar is lower than it was before you ate sugar, and so triggers another craving for sugar [so you automatically find yourself eating a candy bar or drinking soda].
The cycle of sugar, insulin continues, and each time the blood sugar level progresses to EVEN LOWER, until you notice mood changes, or even worse[psychological symptoms]- which I did until someone, who I resented at the time, told me.
Aloha, nic