Personally, I love it! Even more especially if it's Patak's version after I've whizzed it very slightly to reduce the size of the biggest chunks. Wonderful! (Mind you...I've never tried ear-wax.)
I reckon its a trick by the national confederation of curry house owners. The stuff tastes like hair spray if you ask me. Everbody knows somebody who eats it by the spoon load when they go for a curry but we all know this is just them showing off and in fact they can't stand the stuff.
It's an acquired taste, the first time you have it you hate it and stick to the mango chutney, then you try a little bit and gradually graduate to choosing it first, and leaving the mango chutney.
My brother and I dared each other to try earwax when we were little (it followed on from bogies) but I wouldn't want that on my popadum! However I DO love lime pickle!