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I asked for names not a conversation!!!

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jeanette1976 | 13:12 Fri 15th Sep 2006 | Body & Soul
34 Answers
So annoying... nevermind, its to be expected, I guess... anyway, since you're here, I'm calling it Dave... regardless of sex. ;oD


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Yes dot, LOL !!!!
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Hahahahaha... Dot dear, you never fail to suprise me or put a smile on my face! Keep up the good work... ;D
Jeanette, I hope you wern't having a dig @ my answer to your question. OK I didn't answer it exactly, but as you mentioned you might have been a bit childish and silly, I was merley being kind and suggesting that there was nothing silly about it, and I totaly understood your wanting to name the fox.

Now........In my own really childish and petty way - I hope the fox come back and nibbles you! x

I feel betrayed. :o(
Go on I shall ask,
Why do you feel betrayed Champagne?
why Champagne ? I love you, I never would hurt you XXX
Now Dot - you are a wise and clever woman but as a country girl who knows rather a lot about looking after foxes and fox behaviour can I respectfully just add a little splash to your fountain of knowledge?
Foxes don't in fact kill chickens for fun, this is a myth - a chicken run is a fox equivalent of buy one get one free and the fox is ensuring a good supply for itslef and it's family. It just can't carry them all at once, if you leave the dead chickens where they are the fox will gradually come back and get all of them and hide them nearer its 'den'.

Jeanette I think Dave is a great name - my favourite fox was called Digby
Chantelle-Destiny would never kill chickens.
I am only going by the slaughter we found in our coop Hellion and not just the once, and my mum always said that was how it was when she was growing up, foxes were out to kill anything and then would leave it. For her parents it was devastating because they sold their eggs and it was their income apart from the dairy herd and a few pigs.
I feel betrayed because jeanette named him Dave and not Volpone as I had suggested, as my name was by far the best.

I'll put an end to this right now! Where's my air gun....?
my name is Dave and Im a fox
testing testing 1 2 3
no your not.

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I asked for names not a conversation!!!

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