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fashion of the decades

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lab3186 | 17:24 Sat 11th Nov 2006 | Shopping & Style
3 Answers
hi, i have a fancy dress party at the beginning of december and im thinking of dressing up either 60's/70's/80's fashion. can someone tell me a good website where i can seek inspiration and see what people were wearing in those decades? thanks :)


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If you google "60's fashions" or any of your choices and click on the images option it will give you loads.
I have searched for 80's hair and makeup before, it was wealth of information.

p.s there are so many 80's inspired fashions in the shops at the moment I bought my entire outfit from Asda & accessories from Claire's, shoes from New Look and make up was cheap and nasty stuff picked up in Boots sale. The whole look was around �50, bargain.
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thanks for your reply! can i ask-what did u wear for 80's theme? i'm thinking 80's just because of the loud colours but 60's could be fun. let me know thank you!!! :)
Hi lab, I wore a close fitting knee length black dress, slouchy black cotton top (hanging off one shoulder), thick red belt, red shoes, red plastic hoop earrings, black beads, red plastic bangle and lots of leather straps around my wrists.
Hair was big (velcro rollers) and hairsprayed within an inch of its life! Blue and orange eye makeup, pink blusher, lilac lipstick.

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fashion of the decades

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