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jack black

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hazy123 | 22:06 Mon 13th Nov 2006 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers
there is a new film being release starring jack black does anyone no wot it is called.?


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Is it The Holiday?

check it out on IMDB
its a Tenacious D film to find the sacred pick
theres an ad on apple trailers for The Holiday, looks quite good actually though jack black in a new romantic comedy.. bit strange.
The opening to Pick of Destiny is brilliant!!!

Meatloaf, Dio, and a kid who is the spiiting image of a young Jack Black.....which is good as thats who is supposed to be

Not for the faint hearted or those easily annoyed by bad language.

I love the music video for the Pick of Destiny's title song. Tenacious D can do no wrong in my book, can't wait to see it.

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jack black

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