ok...ive liked this guy forever and we've musted around alil and i always got lil butterflys in my stomache after wards and well he came over the other night to get a "tour" of my house and well we ended up hooking up again but the thing is he has a girlfriend....but i got butterflies more then ever this time and idk this time i twas different like really diferent..and im not sure if i should just realize its a one time thing for now or is something more there....
Ahem... Deju. The lad has a girlfriend. Whether he gives you butterflies in your stomach or not he is using you. Back off, let him finish with the girlfriend.... and then you can flutter away to you hearts content.
yea like bak off babe hez got a chick aint he so don com on strong or nuffin, chill an c wot appens wiv iz bird like i fink he jus wantz a git hiz leg over,so don let him do it.
Ya ha, he's usin you girl, get wiv the plan here, you aint gonna get no bling wiv him honey, wake up and smell dat coffee girl....or you is gonna get yourself a baaaad name....
and his be'atch is gonna come around and slap you right in ya kisser.....mmmmm mm.....and dont go after WM - that honey is mine.......