Hi! my wee boy is nearly nine and has dyspraxia. he could not speak until after he started speech therapy at the age of 3. He still confuses words that sound alike. Sometimes he talks quite fast and often stutters when he is angry or excited. I'm not sure if this is verbal dyspraxia or not as no-one has ever said. as EssJay1 says his other symptoms are excessive clumsiness, poor handwriting and fine motor skills, no awareness of distances to or between objects(hence the clumsiness!). I would suggest you ask for chat with his class teacher who would be able to give you a clearer picture of how he is in school. You could also check in your GP's surgery for any information about a help/advice group in your area. My son has developed good coping skills to deal with it and it hasn't stopped him doing anything. He learnt to do some things later than other kids his age(ride a bike, tie his laces, use a fork and knife together, etc) but he kept trying and eventually got it!