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He'll never know the miracle

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TK200373 | 01:52 Wed 15th Nov 2006 | Music
3 Answers
Pleeeeeeaaaaase anyone,

A sad country song from years ago, basic idea is a man in hospital is told his wife and unborn son are in danger and only one may survive, he prays to God to take him and spare both their lives, and his wish happens, hence the "title"
please help, as a hardened heavy metal fan, this song made me blub like a girl.
need salvation


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Pat Campbell - The Deal, it was on Kenny Everetts album of the worst songs ever. More details here of the actual song..

Pat Campbell

"The Deal"

7" on Major Minor, UK
B-side: "The Last Goodbye". Also on an LP in the UK "Just A Quiet Conversation" released in 1970 by Starline (MRS 5162, an EMI budget offshoot). Both sides written by Miles, Herston & Prather. Musical direction Nicky Welsh and produced by Tommy Scott.
yep thats right..i have it,if u pop your email up quick il send it to you.
On a similar theme, listen to 'If Something Should Happen' by Daryl Worley.

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He'll never know the miracle

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