A few weeks ago, I saw a blind man at the local library who'se dog was obviously confused, and instead of turning left to the exit doors, had gone straight on and taken him in the children's library. Once shown the right way, off they went.
I emerged about ten minutes later to find the man standing on a concrete traffic island, with the dog sitting, waiting. i asked if he was lost, and he confessed he was, and was going to the bus station. I offered to guide him there, and advised him that he had actually stopped on a traffic island. He confirmed that his dog ususally knew his way out of the library, and back to the bus station, but just seemed to be having an 'off day' - which I suppose is logical, they are not robots.
Having seen the man to his bus stop, i left him to it. The dog did stop at all kerbs, but, as advised, it obviously was not sure of exactly the route to take, only how to hget his owner safely across the roads.