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ontarioice | 20:57 Thu 16th Nov 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
Not wanting an answer just querying a clue which is 21 across.
I cannot find Aljafareria anywhere, but I can find a Moorish palace site in a place called Aljaferia.
Unfortunately the Moorist palace site is one letter short of the answer.
Am I on the wrong track?
No answers please just hints to put me on to the right track if I'm way off base.


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We googled the clue as it is word for word and came up with an answer. I hope that helps.
Question Author
Did that Jools but Google still asking "Do you mean Aljaferia? Perhaps it has something to do with my Google having US spelling. Anyway, if I do Google their word, the answer is still one letter short.
I have ?a?a?o??? - which has one letter too many for the Google answer.
We found an alternative spelling we are hoping is correct. We're finding it a challenge this month.
Question Author
Thanks Jools. I'll look for the alternative spelling, and yes, it is a challenge this month.
Question Author
H Jools. We found it. Thanks for mentioning the alternative spelling.
J & B (O-ice)

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