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Immi666 | 00:27 Sun 19th Nov 2006 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers
who was evicted from X-factor this week?


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It was between Robert and Eton Road,and Simon sent Robert home.
Based on singing ability what is Ray still doing there ? - he has an average voice , nothing special .
Let's face it , you could walk up the high street - audition a hundred people and find a score of people with equal or better singing ability .

Robert did not deserve to be sent home - he certainly was far better than Eton Rd , Ray and The Macdonald brothers and certainly equal with the others .

Eton Road had two bad weeks in a row - even the Macdonald brothers was better than them this week - being their best performance to date , in my opinion .

But then that is the result you are going to get with a public vote isn't it ?
- All the mums voting for ' baby faced Ray '
- The teenagers sending 'multiple' text votes for Eton Rd
- All of Scotland galvanised each week , into voting for The Macdonald brothers , as a result of Simon's comments .
i thought this weeks show was a travesty simon has slagged off eton road almost every week and said that robert was brilliant so why vote him off. ray and eton road should have been in the final two either of them going off would make me do cartwheels ( well almost - i'm not that sad) !
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Dont get rid of Ray. He's adorable :-) And he's really talented too.
shouldnt have been robert at all he was fab eaton road were crap,what was all the screaming about it was terrible the lad with the dark hair shouldnt be in it he cant sing. simon was wrong to vote robert off
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i agree about eton road. they're just damn odd. that dark haired one is freaky looking. he gives me the heeby jeebies.

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