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Hd Xbox 360

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Stuart90 | 17:25 Tue 21st Nov 2006 | Technology
2 Answers
Hi, I need to know what is the best way to connect an Xbox 360 to a Hd screen in order to get the clearest picture? I know that microsoft sell an hd av cable pack. What exactly is in this?
Also is the core 360 still hd because I heard someone say that the were different connections on the premiun and core consoles? Thanks for any help.


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as far as i am aware the core is still hd but without a harddrive isnt really worth bothering with imho.

opinions are divided on the best way to connect.i connect via component connections but some people connect using vga - horses for courses really.
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Thanks! You wouldn't happen to know how the official offical HD av cable pack connects?

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