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markjeffery | 17:53 Wed 04th Aug 2004 | Adverts
5 Answers
What TV advert had the phrase I want to be a tree?


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i think its the prudential advert, is it really old, from the early nineties?
Certainly an insurance type ad anyway. I remember "I want to be first" "I want to be last"
Was that the one with the brummies saying "We wanna be ter'gethaah"?
Yeah, think it was Prudential...'For whatever you want to be in life, you want top be with Prudential.' Was the guy who said 'We want to be together' the guy from The Fast Show (you ain't seen me, roight!, Today I have been mostly eating...etc)??
Yup the brummie is the pru add is from the fast show, not a bad promotion

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