whatever you do, don't try and make your own! a house in our town has one made of an inflatable figure wearing a santa outfit, which they hang out of the window via a rope round its neck. for four weeks of the year mothers have to either avoid the house or explain that santa isn't really depressed!
Cetti I had one of those d�j� vu moments when I read this! I can't believe a year has gone & I still can't help....well, not yet.
Hope all went well with the house. :o)
Hi Robinia! I'm jolly well going to get one of these flamin' things this year if it's the last thing I do :-)
The House Saga in a nutshell...... Sold house, found dream house, signed all papers, packed ready to move, idiot buyers no money from their sale, chain now collapsed, ditched estate agents, have until Jan 2nd before dream house is re-sold....or stuff wipeable tablecloths forceably down throat of anyone who doesn't have money!!!!
oh Cetti, that's awful, what a massive disappointment! I do hope you don't lose the house of your dreams, everything happens for a reason....though it's hard to see what it is sometimes!!
Glad you're still into decorations for Christmas tho' & I hope you find a climbing santa (& that he brings you everything you'd dreamt of!). The wipeables might come in handy if you feel like throwing things!