try and imagine you were in customer services, and somebody brought something back that they bought from you, because it wasn't working or something and they werent happy. How did you deal with them?
Or if you know someone who was kicked out of a pub or club for something they were accused of but didnt do - how would you have resolved the situation? speaking to the bouncers? writing a letter to the manager?
A situation kind of like that.
My question to you is though, why be a pcso?In my station, they only get given the crap of scene guarding in the cold and rain, house to house enq's and all the little things the PC's hate doing.
Why not apply to be a PC and get at least an extra 5k a year and get more respect from the community because you would be able to arrest and do things like that? I dont mean to sound harsh, but I think you'd find it much more satisfying.