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Romeo & Juliet

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Closer | 15:31 Fri 06th Aug 2004 | Music
5 Answers
The Dire Straits song Romeo and Juliet mentions the words "movie song". I am told that this refers to a specific movie.........any ideas which one ?


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There's no reference to a particular song in the lyrics - where did you hear this reference?
Juliet the dice were loaded from the start And I bet and you exploded in my heart And I forget I forget the MOVIE SONG When you gonna realize it was just that the time was wrong juliet?
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My work buddy tells me that he once heard a competition (on Capital Radio) to phone up and name the movie that the words MOVIE SONG were referring to. There is no actual reference in the lyrics.
Towards the end the lyrics are 'There's a place for us, you know the movie song'. 'There's a place for us' is a song in West Side Story, which is based on Romeo and Juliet. That could be it?
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We like that one...thanks very much !!!!

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Romeo & Juliet

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