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chris1970 | 17:17 Sun 26th Nov 2006 | Home & Garden
3 Answers
Is it ok to plant holly at this time of the year? If not when is the best time?


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depends on where you are living? If UK then yes as long as the ground is not frozen and you are able to dig a hole. It tends to be mild enough now to plant without too much problem.

If you cant do it now then the spring will be ok.
Hi Chris, follow Hawkwalks good advice and I'm sure it will be fine! Larger plants take longer for the roots to establish, I think your better off planting smaller plant/s which will get established far quicker, add some leaf-mould or general compost for good root developement. All the Best Tbird+
Holly does not take very easily. So best wait till spring to ensure that temperature is not an issue.

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