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Lost Toe Nail

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Shal42 | 10:45 Thu 05th Aug 2004 | Body & Soul
2 Answers
I recently had a fall while on holiday, and pulled my big toe nail away; it has taken three weeks to finally fall off, and feels very tender. The new nail is growing through, but I wondered if anyone could advise of a good way to stimulate the new nail. I am using sea salt, tea tree and lavender to bathe the foot. Any ideas greatly appreciated. Sharon in Bristol


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Hi Sharon - this happened to me a couple of years ago, so I know what you're going through! Try and go without socks/tights and wear open toed shoes (which should be easier as its summer- allegedly!) so that the nail bed can breathe and stay healthy. Moisturise the nail bed every night too, using cotton wool to rub it in if its still sore, as this will stop the nail bed hardening before the nail has a chance to grow back. It took about 9 months to grow back fully, but its perfectly normal now, so dont let anyone tell you they dont grow back, as people did to me!
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Many thanks Moonhead for the reply. Have started to moisturise, and seeing an improvement already. Best wishes

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