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Environmental Issues

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10ClarionSt | 23:14 Sat 25th Nov 2006 | Science
2 Answers
We keep hearing about how much damage we are supposed to be doing to the environment, but there are arguments for and against. Does anyone know a decent web site that gives a good account from both viewpoints?
I've tried Googling but there are so many on this that it's baffling! Thanks.


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"The environment" is a hugely wide topic - outside of global warming t here are issues like refuse disposal, exhaustion of fossil fuels, nuclear waste disposal, biodiversity decline, GM crops the list is almost endless.

Consequently there's no such thing as "Both" viewpoints. Even the most radical oil man won't tell you that oil will last forever. In global warming some (admittedly not many now) will tell you the whole thing is a myth whilst others will tell you that it's real but not man made.

I guess this is probably why it's baffling.

Have you tried the BBC's site? here: 004/planet/default.stm
Simple answer - Climate change (man made) is fueling land errosion; land errosion is fueling climate change. It's a vicious circle, it's happening, it's going to speed up and there are not 2 sides of the argument!!!

When will people wake up???

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