high, i was recently the unfortunate victim of a prank at a party hwere my eyebrows and part of my hair were shaved off. i dont mind the eyebrows as much however the hair will now grow unevenly. And so i was wondering if any one knew of any methods of making hair grow faster so i could possibly even out that patch or atleast make all of my hair longer so that the problem could then be fixed by my hairdresser. i am joining a new college on the 7th of september and would like to make a good impression. Any help would be much appreciated. thanks!
agree with geedogg, if you leave it it'll look much worse, shave it off september's a while away and it'll grow back to a decent length. Besides unless you're joining eton or something the college shouldn't care, some students look far worse than having a close cropped hair style!!
You could try aromatherapy massage to stimulate hair growth? It can't hurt. There's bound to be a website that will suggest a blend you could use. I did it once for my bf when he cut his hair too short, i forget the blend exactly but it had vodka in it.
a friend of mine wanted to make his beard grow quickly a while ago, he took this pill he got from the chemist, its made for paitnens under going kemotherapy, and enhances hair growth. His beard grew very long very quickly, one problem - all the other hair on your body will also become rather overgrown!