Hi xJx,
I no how you feel, my bf has a daughter with his ex and he has been through hell with her, but i've always been there for him & i love his daugther to bits.
Although, at the begining it was hard & i had the same feelings that you have mentioned. I really dont think you was unreasonable, just being honest.
I had been friends with my bf for years before we got together so maybe that's why i had no problem talking to him about the way i was feeling.
Although it wouldn't have hurt him to reassure you, it really is yourself that has to decide if you can handle his ex being in his life forever. But you said also that he had been quizzing you & he was worried also so maybe he didn't mean to sound so harsh, maybe he was just worried aswell.
I agree with China Doll, you definately have to set time aside to talk to him & tell him exactly how you feel.
How long have you been with him now? & how old is hes' child?
I've been with my bf for a couple of years now & even in that short period things have got so much easier.
Good luck with everything hun x