lol waldo, precisely..
i presume the reason figures such as ghandi, MLK were mentioned, was not i imagine to play the race card, but to illustrate that being a political dissident does not always mean you are A) violent or B) wrong.
the point is that if civilised people such as ourselves start turning our back, silence and or refuse asylum on those who are against oppressive regimes what world would be complicit in shaping? one where silence is maintained by violent oppression and political debate is not tolerated? if that's what being right wing means, i'd rather be a leftie any day.
ask yourself the question, you consider yourself a patriot? and if this country should fall into the hands of political powers that hurt the country and its people, you'd stand by and do nothing, even if you were forced to leave or had to flee in fear of your life, or is your love of britain only to a pointt??? if you're saying you'd continue the good fight.....perhaps you are more alike to mr Litvenenko, other than him being a bloody foreigner than you might think...
essentially i'd rather have better relations with a patriotic disident (who acts within our laws), than a state that sanctions murder and radioactive contaimination (should it be proved) on british soil..