can men multi task ? in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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can men multi task ?

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crete | 17:11 Mon 04th Dec 2006 | Body & Soul
43 Answers
is it only females who are able to multi task. because over the weekend a male aber posted he was sitting on the couch with his other half sharing chocolate , listening to music , talking to friends on msn, and answering questions on B S , impressive or what ?
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thats no problem ummmm as long as she's on top
lol curly
It is a fact that men are less able to multi-task than women.

It's a genetic throwback from our cavemen ancestors - the woman would tend the cavev, look after the children, prepare food, and keep an eye out for preditors, which is a multi-taskling format that their descendents have inherited. That is why a woman can see car keys that are sitting three feet away, while the man cannot.

Cave man on the other hand had one task - to hunt and provide, which is why he focuses on one individual task at a time and why his inherited distance vision, from years od scanning horizons for something edible, is better than his partner's, and he often misses things which are in close range.

It's all part of what makes us different - to be appreciated and enjoyed - when possible!

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