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personalised glass

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skooshycream | 16:46 Thu 07th Dec 2006 | Shopping & Style
3 Answers
Does anyone know where or what kind of place I can get a message put onto a glass and how much it would cost?? thanks :)


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I assume you would want it engraving, therefore you could find an engraving shop, there are lots about, or try a jewellers I would imagine most jewellers can offer this service, if not I am sure they could advise you where to get it done.
This is probably a situation where the good old-fashioned Yellow Pages beats the internet.

Try looking under 'Engravers' and you'll probably find several firms in your area which offer this service.

Additionally, take a look under 'Trophies, Medals & Rosettes'. Most of the shops which sell sports trophies offer a glass-engraving service.

Also, around Christmas time, department stores (e.g. Debenhams or John Lewis) sometimes have in-store engraving promotions.

Some shoe repair 'heel bars' also engrave glass.

Make sure you get a quote before agreeing to have the engraving done. I've not had any engraving done on glass recently but, a few years ago, I bought stainless steel ballpoint pens as presents for two friends. I then took them to a heel bar to have their names engraved on them. The pens cost �6 each. The engraving (9 letters on each pen) cost �12 per pen!

for engraved gifts try

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