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i need that song!!!

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sean1987 | 16:35 Mon 04th Dec 2006 | Adverts
12 Answers
i have just been to the usa and thers a song thats on all adverts, i dunt kno what i is, i heard it on the new lottory advert with the dancing on the house can any1 help!!!!


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hang on... answerbank.CO.UK and an american state lottery tv advert played on local tv stations.

Am I the only one seeing a flaw here? (and I don't mean the fact he went to the usa of all places)
The ad he is referring too is a UK ad for The National Lottery. The one with the House decorated with lights and an instrumental keyboard tune is played and the fence and other features 'dance' along to the tune. What he said was - it was also on ads in the USA.
I have listened to the ad - but don't know this tune yet. Still trying to track it down.
My friend sent me an email several months ago with a very similar theme to the National Lottery of the house with Christmas lights flashing to the classical music. The email lasted a few minutes and was very catchy and good. I saw the advert this morning and it seems the music has been remixed somehow, but if you look for the Trans Siberian Ochestra and the track is called Wizards of Winter this is the original one used on the email. Hope this answers your question.
Hi again.
Just been messing about on Google and if you click on the link below it will take you straight to the video and tune. Can you let me know if this is what you were looking for? _winter/

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no thats not the one, its more classical and its been used on the dr who advert on the bbc this week
Hey... There is the original version of that advert avaiable on youtube, i think it was budweiser used it last xmas in the states, cant remember!

Anyways, the name of the song is "Wizards in winter" by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. :)
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no not that, its not trendsendiant orchestra, the song i want is on the lottery advert that uses the lights from the youtube advert, i want the song from that advert,
I looked on the National Lottery website and they list all of the songs which appear on their adverts and you can click on a link to buy them, usually from Amazon, although at the moment it is not showing the current advert, so you will probably have to email them. Thats what I would do!
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thank u i will have a look ta very muchly
I spoke to someone in the Marketing Dept. at Camelot yesterday and she was going to speak to the ad agency. She has called me back today to say that the music is not available to buy, it was actually done specifically for that advert by someone called Sam Spiegl and it is called Christmas Lights!!
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Thankyou for all your help i found the answer the song is called carol of the bells loads of people have done it thank you (",)

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i need that song!!!

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