This is a concerning and stressful time for you, and many ABers will empathise with your situation. Please take comfort from knowing that it is a very common process to suspend an employye whilst an investigation occurs. You should be paid normally during this time. Being suspended doesn't imply anything.
You should have been given a copy of your own statement, and, before any more time elapses, I would write down notes about anything else you rememeber about what was said to you on Friday - it may help you later.
If it is decided (following investigation) to invoke the disciplinary process of the company, you have a right to be accompanied by a colleague/friend during any hearing. If you are a member of a Union, you should contact them now and explain what has happened. Write your own notes of any meetings you are asked to attend.
Its impossible for me or other ABers to comment on who will be believed. Suuggest talking to a friend in whome you can confide whilst you are waiting for news. The 3 generic potential outcomes are 1) you are reinstated with no further action 2) you are reinstated with some form of written warning that is put on your personal file 3) the company seeks to invoke further disciplinary action that could lead to your dismissal.
The company has to show that they are acting fairly in doing this process. I appreciate that sitting at home wondering doesn't seem very fair just now.