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what foods are harmful for dogs?

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mw | 14:14 Sat 09th Dec 2006 | Animals & Nature
10 Answers
This is my question. I know chocolate is harmful to dogs but what else is harmful.
I have a puppy who likes everything and i wondered if there was anything she shouldn't have.


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The best diet for a dog is dog food only - with the occasional dog treat. Human food isnt good for dogs it makes them overweight and can give them other health problems.
Don't try cheese!!!

You'll be smelling the after effects for hours afterwards.
onions are bad for dogs to, there are various things, ate_process.cfm?story_no=257

thas a good site to look at.
Question Author
Thanks for that website.
I do give her the normal dog food diet but i like to give her more tasty treats etc and i dont want to give her anything that will harm her.
She get her complete food and i give her a little of what we eat at tea time and some vegetable too and she loves it.

you do have to be careful though.
Me and my partner have both read in magazines that dogs really love garlic & it is good for them, last night, as a treat we gave my Samoyed some garlic bread left over from our pizza takeaway. Only to look n read today its toxic to them :(
Foods that are dangerous to dogs:

Chocolate, Hot Chocolate, Cocoa, Chocolate Cake
The poison is theobromine. Theobromine is found in the cocoa bean.
The amount of Theobromine depends on the type of chocolate - milk
chocolate contains less than dark. In domestic pets - especially
dogs - including birds chocolate may harm the heart, kidneys and
their central nervous system. The effect is very serious.
This is because dogs metabolize theobromine, a naturally occurring
substance in chocolate, very slowly.
Signs of Theobromine poisoning include; nausea and vomiting,
restlessness, diarrhoea, muscle tremors, lethargy, depression,
increased urination or incontinence and finally death.
Walnuts and Macadamia nuts

Green skins and Green sprouts in potatoes - these have also poisoned
humans too - although cooked, mashed potato is alright. - Due to
Solanum alkaloids that are found in the green skins and green
The Solanum alkaloids can be found in the green sprouts and green
potato skins, this occurs when the tubers are exposed to the
sunlight during their growing time or after they have been
harvested. Although it is rare that actual poisoning occurs please
do not take any chances with your dogs and keep them away from the
potatoes in your garden and kitchen.

Tea, coffee and cola type drinks
These drinks contain Theobromine. Please see Chocolate

Raw Liver
If you feed raw liver in large quantities every day it can cause a
vitamin A toxicity in dogs. Especially if your dog is fed a diet
already containing ample Vitamin A. The toxicity symptoms that show
are poor growth, impaired reproduction and vision problems.

Pear pips, kernels of plums, peaches and apricots, apple pips . They <

contain cyanide and in large quantities can prove fatal.

Grapes, Raisins and Sultanas/Golden Raisins
Grapes, raisins and sultanas - extremely poisonous!! - can cause
kidney failure. The poison is, unfortunately, unknown in this case
but it is very dangerous.

Alcohol poisoning is usually fatal.

Onions and Garlic
Onions especially raw onions - sulphur in them cause the problem.
This can damage the red blood cells and cause anaemia. Garlic is
less toxic than onions. If you wish to give your dog garlic to
naturally repel fleas please check amounts with your vet first.

Turkey Skin
Currently it is thought that Turkey skin can cause acute pancreatis.

Raw Fish, see also Raw Salmon below
Too much raw fish. This is because some raw fish can cause a
deficiency of the vitamin thiamine (a vitamin B). The symptoms of a
thiamine deficiency include anorexia (complete loss of appetite),
abnormal posture, weakness, seizures, and can even cause death. This
includes cats as well as dogs.

Raw Salmon
Salmon eat snails that carry a fluke that contain bacteria that can
harm dogs if ingested by them. The flukes can be found in any part
of the raw salmon but mainly the head and the guts. Sadly your dog
can be harmed by just coming into contact with the salmons blood.
You can kill this bacteria by freezing, smoking or cooking the fish.
Diagnosis of this is difficult due to the fact that it mimics other
canine diseases like Parvovirus but it is easily treated with
antibiotics once diagnosed. Please be very careful if you take your
dogs anywhere where salmon might be.

Can't remember whee I got this from, as I saved it on my favourites.

Question Author
turkey skin i didnt know about that one and i have been giving it to my 2 collies for years. You learn something new everyday. I will just throw it out in future.
Why turkey and not chicken skins?
omg i feed my dog all veg and he doesnt eat dog food,he has spagetti or sausage and mash or veg,ham and anything human.he does eat hi life meaty morsels for brekky though.and he drinks tea as well!
Tea also contains caffeine which can make him hypo.

You really should try to get him onto eating mainly dog food - the odd bit of human 'leftovers' is not a problem, but you may well encounter serious problems if you don't change his diet.

He will not be getting the right balance of nutrients that he needs to grow and thrive and his digestion will have trouble coping with anything that is spicy or contains too much salt or sugar, which most human foods do.

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what foods are harmful for dogs?

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