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PC problems

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llysmyfyr | 11:38 Tue 12th Dec 2006 | Technology
3 Answers
Why does my PC keep telling me that the system resources are dangeroulsy low when ther is 77% memory still left


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More information please.

Exactly what is the message?

And what programmes are you running when you get it?

What is your OS? Windows XP?
As Ethel says, you need to give more info. There are resources other than memory that can be too low. For example under versions of Windows before XP, the graphical resources were very limited, so that a couple of programs that used a lot of windows, scrollboxes etc., could eat up graphical resources, even though they might not require much memory.

Also what do you mean by 77% memory? Many people confuse memory (RAM) and hard disk space.
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