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wisdom teeth

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aussie_brumi | 15:04 Tue 12th Dec 2006 | Body & Soul
3 Answers
I have to have my wisdom teeth removed and im really worried .. does it hurt is there any suggestions to help relieve the pain ?? thanks


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I had all four removed at once at hospital, and i can honestly say it was one of the best things I ever did!

I had an abscess on one of them and another was on the brink of getting one, so they decided to whip 'em all out. It wasn't as bad as what i thought it'd be either. I was under general anaesthetic and woke up to a very swollen face and a strange yellow colour (Mr Boo said I looked like Bart Simpson). I went to bed for a few hours when I got home and woke up almost back to normal a few hours later. The lack of pain from the abscess being removed more than made up for the discomfort over the next few days.

Honestly- it won't be as bad as you believe it'll be- good luck :-)
I had one out in the chair and the other three out under anaethetic and so so glad I did as was nowhere near as bad as when they used to get infected.

It is a bit umcomfortable for a bit after but you get stiches toplay with (i defy you to be able to leave them alone haha) but was nothing like as bad as i was expecting, you'll be fine :)

i had all mine out in hospital. It wasn't too bad - didn't need any pain killers after wards. The worse bit was looking like a giant hamster with full cheeks for a few days!!

Hope it goes well for you.

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