Sorry forgot to say, keeping a diary may help your doctor and anyone he refers you to track any patterns and such.
Just write whatever, be brutally honest and blunt.
Track dates and times and write how you feel, be it happy, sad, exhausted, tired, relaxed, any wierd moods, any moods, even indifference.
Also write down things which happen to you, good and bad or normal so they can get a sense of any triggers or out of the ordinary behaviour eg being elated or depressed for no reason.
Also write down any abnormal behaviour eg self harm in any way and how you feel at the time, what makes you do it, how, when etc...
It can track times of day and any patterns and triggers and be a very useful diagnostic tool for whatever it is is affecting you.
Keep an open mind and listen to what he says, write it down if you find it's too much to take in at one time. or take someone with you who can help take everything in.
A history may also be useful, past medical history, medications you have been on and are on, traumas in the past that have affected you.
Other things that may help are your general lifestyle, job, family, relationship, cigs, alcohol and drugs, diet , stresses in your life, things you are unahappy about etc...
If you want any help in getting things down then you're more than welcome to msn me and we can try and get something down together -
[email protected].
Hope this helps xxx