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is it better to........

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curlyfilm | 21:17 Fri 15th Dec 2006 | Body & Soul
17 Answers
is it is better to do something and maybe regret it....

or do something and always regret never doing it.....


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%$�@** second line should read..........

not do something and always regret never doing it
I suppose it all depends on what the "something" is.x
Katie~77's got a point.

When it comes to relationships, I'd say the not doing is far far worse.
better to do it and learn from any mistakes ! if you don't do it you'll always be wondering what you missed and thinking what you would have done if you'd done it ! :-D
*what you would have done if you hadn't done it ...
-- answer removed --
Hell, go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to right ratter, you only live once ....
does it involve a friends missus, a mask and some mashed up corned beef [frey bentos]
dont do it - use spam instead
Question Author was more of a theoretical question
in my opinion, if your even thinking about doing something, then it must be worth doing in the first place so why the hell not just do it. if it doesnt work out theres no actual harm done. at least it'll be an experience which i'm sure has chat value!
If you don't do it you might regret not doing it but if you do it and regret it at least you have done it even if you do regret it so don't regret not doing doing it better to do and then regret doing it, am I making sense here, ? think I regret answering this one, oh well at least I did answer if I hadn't I might have had regrets about not answering.
if its taboo and will adversly affect others you shouldnt do it
unless you can guarantee you wont get caught
as the man said
better to have loved and lost than nothing ventured gained in the bush
i'm one of those people who never does it and regrets it!!! i have once done something and didnt really get the response i was looking for so since then i just dont bother!!! better to stay in the dark!!!
I'm starting to feel that I'm gonna regret it!!!!

If you get my gist curly!
Question Author
but as long you have fun, whats the problem

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is it better to........

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