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credit card

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mattlaker | 10:10 Wed 11th Aug 2004 | How it Works
6 Answers
what age can u have a credit card?


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18 I believe in the UK, although my friend did have one at 16 but it was an extension somehow of her dads credit card so all the money was accounted to him (lucky cow!!).
If your thinking of getting one then I'd strongly suggest you get a very low limit. I have just paid all mine off (taken about 15 years) and in my opinion they are the spawn of the Devil.
When you have grown up enough to use "you", rather than "u".
i wish i'd got a credit card years ago, after years of carefully saving for everything i wanted and managing my money in what i felt was a responsible manner - i now find i have little or no credit history so can't get loans for things EVEN THOUGH i'm the reponsible one who sacrificed the instant pleasure of purchasing stuff for the long term view of if i can't afford it now i'll just have to save until i can or do without. So get a credit card at 18 (its the normal age limit) use it regularly, don't pay it off every month (more points if you can't afford to pay off your debt every month) and then when your older and want to start a business the banks etc will realise that you've been in debt to loads of people for so long you might as well be in debt to them aswell and welcome you with open arms - rant over ... love IggyB
Just get a debit card until UR old enough and U can buy stuff on the net if thats what U wanted it for.
If you realy need you can get a Junior card (15+)

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