Can anyone help with these please ? The letters represent a phrase/book/song/place etc containing the colour stated. eg RIR,C = Rhode Island Red,chicken.I'm struggling so any help would be appreciated with these last 10 (I've done the other 90 myself) : 1. RWB,A where R = red 2. tGM,PD where tG = the green 3. GG,DAG where 2nd G = green 4. PLPPOPG where G = green 5. BSIC,SAC where B = black 6. B-E S,TA where B = black 7. TBJ,BT where 1st B = blue 8. BRM,V where B= blue 9. GASW,FL where S = silver 10. OPT where O = orange
That's fantastic Kettledrum. Many thanks. I guess you must have seen these before to come up with 7 of the 10 answers so quickly. I've spent many hours over Christmas getting the other 90 answers - and all to win a �20 book token !!!! Why do I do it ?
No I haven't seen this particular quiz before, but quite often new eyes see the answer quicker. Good luck with the remaining 2! If I get any further inspiration I'll come back to you, although I expect the other night owls will finish it off before I surface tomorrow.