Hi, Unfortunately we have been getting slugs coming into our house overnight. In the morning the trails are quite evident across the kitchen floor and also on the wooden floorboards in the lounge. I sometimes see them if i wake up during the night and come out for a glass of water. How can i prevent them from coming in? Thanks x
If you know where they are coming in, my suggestion would be to put copper tape there, they don't like it, acts like an small electric shock and repels them without killing them.
Others may come up with different solutions, so it would be upto you to take your pick.
Try a thick line of salt outside the door. It will get kicked and rained on and dispersed, but if it works, it's a cheap fix and easy to re-apply. No harm if you track it in, and it won't hurt any pets who eat it.
Might you have cracks in the foundation where they enter, rather than a door gap?
I had this problem a few years ago. I eventually found a slug nest under the stairs, cleaned it out and they didn't return. T'was the most disgusting thing I have ever done.
Many thanks for your answers - i'm dreading coming across a nest! Where do you get copper tape from? We have tried the salt outside the back door with no luck, they must be coming in from somewhre else i guess. My big worry is that i will stumble out in the night for a drink and accidentally tread on one!!