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T-Lady | 00:52 Wed 27th Dec 2006 | Music
8 Answers
Anybody know any songs with Tracey in the title or about Tracey.


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The only one I can think of with that exact spelling is Tracey In My Room, by EBTG vs Soul Vision (EBTG being Everything But The Girl).

If you're not too fussy about the spelling, there is also Tracy by The Cufflinks, and Tracie by Level 42.
Toy Dolls - I Tried To Trust Tracey
Sara Hickman - Dear Tracey
Level 42 released a song called Tracie. i think it was around 1989
Tracy by The Cuff Links from the 60's
There's an echo in here. ;-)
didnt level 42 release s ong called tracie ? ;-)
How about Prince: Sometimes It Snows In April?
That's about Tracy, but of course in that song Tracy is a boy...
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Thank everybody,
will have to track these down.
My daughter is Tracey and wants a 'theme song' !
If there is anymore would love to know about them.

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