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MM Links Game December

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ShamrockBlue | 08:53 Sat 30th Dec 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
58 Answers
Welcome to this the last Links game of 2006, with the good news that the game will continue in 2007 thanks largely to the enthusiasm of Crofter and all of you who take part.

More good news, this is the last week i'll be setting the LInks ! ;) I've lived with these four pairs for the last week and I still can't decide if they're too easy or too difficult............ we'll soon find out.

Todays LINKS :


I think it would be fitting for the game to be called the 'MM Links Game' in the future, perhaps you might like to give your views along with your LINKS predictions.

Good Luck to you all and health & happiness in 2007 :o)


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Lang may your lum reek! (Long may your chimney smoke)
This is an old Scottish wish that you always have fuel for the fire! It is clear that ShamrockBlue went totally tartan!
His Links are:
Auld REEKIE (aka Aberdeen)

As luck has it, I (crofter) was on exactly the same line of thought and clocking in at 9.03 made THREE first-time hits (scoring 3 points plus 3 bonus points). With 6 points to my credit for the round, the game was all but over when only 3 minutes old!

The Sally Army let me down (Salvation Army would have been equivalent) and a band of scallywags known as the Tartan Army won the day! It did not take long before slaney spotted the TARTAN Army and claimed the final bonus point.

A good point was raised by burgess that needs to be sorted. It concerns the rush of excellent guesses early in the proceedings when timings are close (if not equal). In this case, several entrants came on site with a timing of 9.03 precisely. They are presenting predictions which have been selected in isolation and I believe in these cases, they are also entitled to the bonus points for originality. This decision should only affect one or two of the early birds in any one round.

Therefore the winners for this round are crofter with 6 points, followed closely by burgess and Christiana both with 4 points.

Hope I'm not too late - only just escaped from the grandchildren!!

Great suggestion for the continuing game title - a fitting tribute indeed.

My guesses are (apologies for duplications, but at this stage there's not much alternative!!):-

BARMY army

Oh Dear! Much too late.
By the time I'd read through the existing entries and tried to think of some of my own, the answers had been posted. Sorry about that - must try and be quicker off the mark next time - perhaps I should try lurking in the shrubbery!!

Well done Crofter, at least I might be one of the first to submit congratulations.

Combining all the December scores I am delighted to say that crofter comes through on the rails to take the title (he who owns the spreadsheet ...). Amassing total of 10 points, crofter was closely followed by Christiana on 7 points, burgess on 6, and Arabesque and wickedtongue both on 5.

What happens next? It falls to me to set the link words over January and maintain the scoresheet. The January winner will become the setter for February and so on!

I already have in mind the four words for NEXT Saturday at 9.00 for the launch of the "2007 MM Link Games" and I promise that I won't be making them obvious!

The link words this weekend could have led us to say:
The AB -barmy ARMY are the FIRST to help and support, they will DANCE the night away and through "AULD Lang Syne" will include a quiet thought for the family of MM.

Best wishes from the croft.
Thanks John - Hope to see you next Saturday. I'll book a spot for you behind the third bush on the left!
well done crofter - you deserve a win after all the hard work you do! However, do not get too complacent.... those currently lagging behind may suddenly zoom into the lead (is that a pig flying by my window....)

p.s. Auld Reekie is Edinburgh, not Aberdeen (the "granite city")
congratulations crofter have a drink to celebrate your win tonight. we will see how devious you are next Saturday!
happy new year to all
Yes I agree Totally Fixed, but totally deserved.
I would throw down the gauntlet and say see you in the next year for retribution, but all I would get is a cold hand!!!
All the best Crofter and congratulations
Happy New Year all
Well done Crofter! Really must change my way of thinking...seem to be on another planet!!! Have a great evening everyone!
Well done crofter, your cunning game plan worked ... i.e. to stay behind the early pacesetters and then sail past at great speed when they began to flounder!

My tactics were obviously flawed, when I made an early bid for glory last week, only to fall flat at the final hurdle!

Now look forward to a new battle in pursuit of obscure answers to your links during the next session??

Regards ;o)

Not a very dark horse, but very well deserved, crofter !
Looking forward to next week.
I'll raise a glass to your points this evening .
Well done Crofter. Looking forward to your link words next week.
Hope I'm not too late too enter. My links are as follows:
Feet First

Think the name is a great idea and thanks for keeping it going.

Hope all you Abers have a happy and prosperous new year
Well done Crofter .....
I would like to raise a glass to MM without whom all this would not have been possible .
Happy New Year everyone.

Congratulations, crofter, very well done & deservedly so, we'll look forward to the continuation of the MM Links Game with anticipation [and some trepidation too !!!] and as the New Year is now several hours old, consider several glasses have already been raised and everyone's health has been drunk and we wish you all every blessing for the coming year.

cheers S
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Well done crofter.
A Happy 2007 to you and to all ABers.
Thanks to all you well-wishers and Seasonal Greetings to ABers everywhere! Once the new MM Link Game kicks off, I can't imagine that I will have an opportunity to post my predictions - so it was "Now or Never"!
I am happy with that arrangement!

See you all on Saturday (kick off at 9.00am GMT)

JMR thanks for the correction as to which place in Scotland "REEKS". Apologies to Aberdonians - and Edinburgers!? It's just the sort of stupid slip you could expect from a sassenach!

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