It's the creators doings. It was meant to be this way. I never knew they were found in the same regions, this is enlightening stuff!!
I watched a programme on google video about something similar. About Alchemists etc. Something or other.
It suggested that although the sword had to be made from both elements to give its properties, to enable us to shape it and have the strength it does, and not be affected by its low melting point if it were made from copper alone etc, it had to be made from copper and added tin, like 15% (tin) of the original copper amount, This is melted and tin is boiled down and added, to the power of fifteen the strength is amazing. The two compliment each other.
Copper + Tin = STEEL.
Wow, this makes sense, why they are found together.
Am well pleased. One more reason to have unshakeable conviction that God has created everything, counted the numbers of all things and made our existence.
Laky. x